Interview with Phyllis Unterschuetz

Interview with Phyllis Unterschuetz

Runner Up in Women on Writing’s Quarter One 2024 Nonfiction Essay Contest

“And the Trees Shall Hold You” is a gorgeously written, vivid lyric essay! . . . I teared up a bit! We all loved it! You’re a talented writer and this piece in my heart forever.”

Interview by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto

Congratulations to Phyllis Unterschuetz of Lithia Springs, Georgia and to all of the other contestants and winners of the WOW! Women on Writing Quarter 1 2024 Essay Contest!

Today I’m excited to interview Phyllis Unterschuetz. Before we get to our interview, make sure you check out her essay, “And the Trees Shall Hold You.” Then come on back!

WOW: Phyllis, I loved your essay submission but even more so I enjoyed an opportunity to get to know you better! You are so open and honest – qualities I admire in a friend! I’m sure readers will agree, you are a gem! Let’s get down to it; what were you wanting readers to gain from “And the Trees Shall Hold You”?

PHYLLIS: I hope my readers will think about how they might tap into the power of connectedness when they find themselves in challenging situations. I believe we humans are dual-natured beings—souls who are temporarily associated with physical bodies. We thrive when we are able to draw strength from our connections to each other, to the earth, and to Spirit, including the souls of those who have passed on to the spiritual realm. My experiences at the cemeteries felt magical and mysterious, but they were also very concrete. I grew physically stronger when I imagined myself connected to the trees’ root systems. I’d be thrilled if my readers can have similar experiences.

Read the full interview here

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